Hi, I'm Ivy
Born in 1979, raised in a big family in the suburbs of central valley California, I was a daydreamer with big dreams and the heart of a humanitarian. Still am!
I was a highly empathic child growing up in a bit of a confusing dynamic. My spiritual gifts and intuition were accepted or rejected depending on whether what I was picking up on fit into the strict dogma of my parent’s religion. Sensing spirits from the other side was accepted, for example, while finding a sacredness in all spaces, your own version of ‘church’ if you will, as opposed to the need to gather within a certain building, was rejected. So having the extreme duality presenting itself inside me of resonating with so much of what I was taught, and yet not resonating at all with so much, was a very confusing and painful process. I had no mentor or guide to help me along the way. I turned to books on spirituality like buddhism, paganism, shamanism, as well as self-help books to better understand my emotions and psychology. This began a lifelong journey of self-discovery. Over time I learned to trust my intuition and trust myself and this has made a world of difference. In my early 20’s I found shamanic journeying which was a huge ‘aha’ moment for me. It’s basically a form of meditation listening to drumming where you visit other realms meeting up with different spirit guides and ancestors and receiving loving, healing and helpful messages. I now utilize this skill to help others by offering the option of a shamanic journey during our coaching sessions.

As a young adult I became a Behavioral Therapist for children with autism. This was intense but deeply rewarding work, connecting with these remarkable children who gift the world by challenging and reshaping our rigid social and societal norms. Eventually I combined this work with my spiritual work providing shamanic journeys for families wanting to better understand their nonverbal child, becoming a bridge of communication between the child and their parents.
I met a magical group of women while living in San Francisco after feeling like a lone wolf in my spiritual path. For years I had quietly focused on inner work and energy healing while outwardly singing in bands and partying. These beauties helped me discover the power of ritual and ceremony, and a strong circle of support. A handful of these amazing medicine women became my closest friends on the planet to this day and I’m forever grateful for like-hearted community in my life, it’s a game changer! I went on to lead a women’s empowerment group for two years which focused on awakening consciousness and embodying abundance as our natural birthright.
Ready to say goodbye
to raucous party years, I committed myself to living life true to my spirit. I left everything behind and moved to Maui. The two years I spent on this island of tropical paradise were the most transformational years of my life, both blissful and extremely difficult.

Without a schedule, a job, a home, and knowing only one person on island, I was able to be fully present and truly listen, watching nature for answers to my internal questions, trusting my intuition more and more. I was led by my spirit guides into a life completely outside of the box, maintaining a free-roaming schedule living in my car and mostly jobless. There's so much I can say about these two years it could fill a novel, so for now I'll just summarize my 3 key take-aways: 1) Radical self-responsibility is the the best and also most humbling way to clear blame, victimhood, and to connect deeply with others. 2) Finding peace and safety within myself and becoming my own safe haven no matter where I am was worth the pain it took to get there. 3) I now know what having an ego death truly means. My whole existence there made no logical sense and depended entirely on letting go of everything I thought I was and everything I thought I knew, fully open, fully raw. In an exhausted state of surrender at the end of those two years, my true self at the core was suddenly revealed—emerging more whole, radiant, and full of love than ever before.
Needless to say, I left the island a changed woman. Thank you, sacred Mama Maui.
In 2017 stars aligned and I met my love, Noah. Our connection was so instantaneous and powerful it pulled me in like a familiar warm gravity and before long I moved up to Olympia, where he was living with his two boys. Since then, we’ve combined forces in bringing our dreams of love, music and travel to life. We reside in a beautiful lake house with a music studio/jam space in the detached garage and a singing pup named Ladybug~ our little extraterrestrial spirit guide in frenchie form LOL.

For those of you who know me from Elevator Operator, the indie rock band that burst into life after Noah and I met, you know that helping to raise the vibes on the planet, living for something greater than ourselves and believing in humanity is what we’re all about! Music and singing have been a passion of mine since I was a kid, my mom taught me piano and I was in singing and dancing performance groups where I discovered I truly enjoy performing and connecting with an audience. In our band I switch off with my honey singing lead vocals, sing backup when he leads, and play synth/keys.
Curious about the Elevator Operator and wanna check out our music? Click the link below~
Band Website →